As we say farewell to a successful 2018, we at Shuup would like to thank you for being part of our community and contributing to our success this past year. We are thankful for our amazing clients and loyal investors and partners for paving the way for our historic 2018 growth.
We look forward to more successes this year as we push towards our Shuup 2.0 version release. Shuup 2.0’s most notable feature is support for the upcoming Django framework’s long-term support release (LTS) version 2.2.
The Django release is forecast to be out in April 2019 and Shuup v2.0 will soon follow. As always, we keep our commitment to backwards compatibility with our pre 2.0 releases.
Shuup 1.9 will also bring many more features and fixes and is scheduled to be released in February.


You can follow Shuup release progress at our repository

Join the development discussion at


Once again, happy new year! We look forward to continuing on this journey with you.

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